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Festival of Gurul Padmasambava

Barbara Green, Producer/Videographer
Barbara Green originally created the Tibetan Video Project as a project of the Four Corners Foundation, a not-for-profit religious organization for the purpose of documenting Tibetan culture, sacred arts, and Buddhist teachings at Tashi Jong Community. Later, the Tibetan Video Project continued independently and it is now apart of the non-profit, Tibetan Video Preservation Project. For the past 20 years, Barbara has used video documentation to support and educate about a wide range of Tibetan subjects. The Tibetan Video Preservation Project has an available resource of more than 100+ hours of video footage from USA, India, Bhutan and Eastern Tibet.

Nathaniel Dorsky, Editor
Nathaniel Dorsky is an internationally recognized experimental filmmaker and editor, as well as the author of Devotional Cinema. He has been the recipient of many awards including a Guggenheim fellowship and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. He has been a long time student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism. Nathaniel began the initial editing of Tashi Jong and developed all phases of the editing until completion.

Dechen Bartso, Narrator
Dechen Bartso grew up in Dharamsala, India, where she lived with her parents who escaped from Tibet in 1959. In exile under the direction of the Dalai Lama, her father helped to start the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts. A generation later Dechen, like her father, works to increase understanding of the Tibetan people, their heritage, and the threat they face under Chinese rule. In Dharamsala she worked for the Tibetan Government in the Department of Information and International Relations. In 1996, Dechen moved to the United States. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she is the current president of the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association. She is an advisor to the Tibetan Video Preservation Project.

Thrinlay Chodon, Singer
Thrinlay Chodon is the daughter of the highly regarded Drukpa Kargyud Lama Apho Rinpoche, and her mother was an accomplished Buddhist practitioner. Born in exile, Thrinlay grew up in her father’s monastery in northern India, were she received teachings from many great Tibetan masters. In 1996, she came to California as a graduate student in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. In 1998, Thrinlay, now known as Khandro-la, married His Holiness the 9th Shabdrung Ngawang Jigme. She derives her current title through her marriage to Shabdrung Rinpoche, who sadly passed away in 2003. Khandro-la’s life is devoted to teaching the dharma and is the founder of Khachodling which means “Land of Blissful Dakinis.”

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