It was one of the most pivotal intentions of H.H. previous 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche to built Buddhist Philosophy Institution in Tashi Jong, which has completely done by one of his heart disciples H.E Jamyang Khyentse Yeshi Rinpoche, by building a proper Shedra or Philosophy Institution in Tashi Jong, after the Parinirvana of 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche. In the Shedra, students have been learning Buddhist philosophy and doing their practice, as it is meant for.

However, students coming from Tibet, India, Nepal and Himalayan region has been rapidly increasing day per day. Reason that, in 2008 we saw a dream and priority to establish a new Shedra, where around five hundred students readily be able do their study and practice. Then, all the members of the Shedra approached mainly to H.H. 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche and others Tulkus of Tashi Jong to request for their kind help in building new Shedra. And, eventually, we are able to initiate our program.
Thereafter, we, the members of Shedra had longtime searching for an appropriate plot near by Tashi Jong to construct a new Shedra. However, we failed to search an ample and excellent area for building new Shedra. Eventually, we opted a plot which is purchased by H.H. previous Khamtrul Rinpoche and distributed to lay people and monastery. We saw several benefits of selecting the plot, such as: it is convenient for construction, since it is next to road, and
not far from the main monastery as well etc. Having chosen a plot, we approached to Rinpoches, and shared our choice and reason to selecting the plot with H.H. 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Dorzong Rinpoche and Tokden Achoe la and took their suggestions. We received their kind approval to build new Shedra at the selected plot, even H.E. Dorzong Rinpoche stated why the plot is exactly appropriate
to build Shedra. Rinpoche mentioned, H.H 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche purchased the plot in order to utilize in preservation of Buddha Dharma and exactly plot will be come into use as his holiness intention it for.
As H.E. Dorzong Rinpoche mentioned about the initial intention of purchasing the plot, we Shedra members requested him to indicate kind guidance to monastic members and lay landlord of the plot. After the great guidance of H.E. Dorzong Rinpoche, the plot belongs to monastery were handed over to built new Shedra, and even from the lay landlord Tachoe offered her land as well. Rest, other land owner also agreed to exchange their land with less amount of money as we hope for.
After confirming the plot where to be build the new Shedra in 2010, we sought several guidance from the H.H. Khamtrul Rinpoche and H.E. Dorzong Rinpoche. Due to their excellent guidance, we were able to register legally our project under the Indian government. Consequently, we attempted and sought to get benevolent- generous patronage and legal permission for money transfer from overseas. Thereafter, Mr Lee a student of Dorzong Rinpoche agreed to sponsor building New Sheda, due to recommendation of Dorzong Rinpoche.
On 30/11/2011, mainly presenting Khamtrul Rinpoche, Dorzong Rinpoche and Choegyal Rinpoche and other khenpos and Tulkus and monks made the consecration of the site. Also Khamtrul Rinpoche starts raising fun for monks accommodation.
in 2013, we initiated building the boundary of new Sheda. In 2014, we acquired FCR permission. In 2015, we seek for town plan permission, and the permission is granted in Jan, 2016. March 19, 2016, CM of the Himachal Pradesh, receiving as main guest, he laid the Foundation Stone. After that we started working on building accommodation and main building of temple.
This new construction of Khamgar new Sheda is mainly supervised and over seed by Khenpo Jampa Yonten and assist by Khenpo Losal Zangpo, Tulku Popa Rabjam, Lhundup Palden, Yeshi Phuntsok, Singye and Tashi.
Entire expenditure of new sheda construction is provided by one of the students of, Dorzong Rinpoche and Choegyal Rinpoche, Mr. Lee, as per recommendation and guidance of Dorzong Rinpoche. And the rest, the fund for building monks’ accommodation is taken care by H.E. 9th Gyalwa Dhokham Shedup Nyima and the boundary expenses are raised by Khenpo Losal Zangpo.